Saturday, September 12, 2015

The FEMA Preparedness Reports: What Are Your Chances of Surviving an Economic Collapse?

Earlier today, The Common Sense Show issued an alert as to the possible use of multiple IED type of devices based upon the reports of a highly credible source(s).

 If such an even ever came to fruition, it could potentially paralyze this nation and bring the economy to a standstill.

Subsequently, the grocery store shelves could be empty within two days and food riots would likely commence by sundown of the second day.

Most preppers would be in danger. Local law enforcement would be overwhelmed. What would be your chances of survival?

Well, recently, FEMA has conducted research studies on America’s level of preparedness and the news is not good.

The FEMA Preparedness Reports

In response to concerns about strengthening the nation’s ability to protect its population and way of life (i.e., security) and ability to adapt and recover from emergencies (i.e., resilience), the President of the United States issued Presidential Policy Directive 8: National Preparedness(PPD-8).


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Catastrophic Floods Threaten Fukushima Nuclear Plant

ABC News reported that for the first time, now the Fukushima plant has experienced “epic flooding” that has caused 100,000 homes to evacuate.

Mainstream Media reports the nuclear plant is now completely flooded as Japan got one foot of water, and people are in “grave danger” from the contaminated water leak.

As of now, officials are seven publicly stating they are seriously concerned about radiation going into the Pacific Ocean.

We’ve all been concerned, but imagine how bad it must be if officials are admitting that publicly.

In the video below, you’ll see that tens of thousands of people have been ordered to leave homes across Japan after Tropical Typhoon Etau ripped through the country.

Military helicopters plucked residents from the roofs of their homes. Imagine how that damaged nuclear reactor is holding up. It’s terrifying.

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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Situation Critical!!! A Stock Market Mega-Crash Dead Ahead Says Analyst!!

Author and economic analyst Gregory Mannarino in the video below warns of a mega stock market crash that will be coming to America soon, and how we are currently sitting on one of the biggest stock market bubbles in world history!

Considering the 2,000 points the DOW is down since May, we literally are on the verge of a serious mega crisis.

It seems a lot of people lately have had a gut feeling that something “Big” is about to unfold, and I do believe is now unfolding.

In fact their is a confluence of activity both in the political and spiritual realm culminating  toward the end of this year that has caused peoples alarms to go off.

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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Dr. Jim Willie: 'The Collapse Has Begun' As Violence Grips World (Video)

In this episode of the Jim Willie show, he discusses the state of the economy which is really impacting all of us daily.

Jim will also offer some insight into the corruption and conspiracy which seems to have a firm grip on our world these days.

Then he explains how the economic collapse is going, and how bonds and the stock market are being deployed as weapons in the current money war and ultimately, how these financial tools will influence the collapse of the Dollar in the marketplace.

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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Fukushima: The End of Mankind?

“In the aftermath of the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan, it’s hard to fathom or describe the environmental damage to the Earth, because it eclipses all prior nuclear accidents by such a huge margin.

 In the four years now since the earthquake caused the breakage of critical reactor cooling apparatus and plumbing to the point where the plants were not able to sustain or maintain the nearly one million gallons per reactor per minute, needed to cool them, the continued exposure to the entire world has continued unabated, unchecked.

 Adequate cooling flow to prevent what is truly a “China Syndrome” was not possible even had the cooling system at Daichi survived the earthquake event.

At Daichi, where a reactor meltdown of no less than 3 operational reactors- which incidentally were fueled up with MOX fuel, a highly unstable form of nuclear fuel that not only mandates total cooling control, but ensures disastrous results if such cooling ‘fails’ as was the case in March of 2011 in Japan- we had a situation whereupon these 3 reactors were overheated beyond cooling within minutes.

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Lindsey Williams – Warning to Prepare For An Emergency. Stock Up On Food, Water And Supplies Now!

Our current recession/depression is slow creeping at this point towards a bad outcome.  Although I believe US and Canada are still 3 to 5 years away from an economic collapse, I woefully believe that the collapse is coming.

Euro will collapse first.  Greece and Spain have already collapsed.  Italy and Portugal are soon to collapse next.

Having this insight, I have been preparing vigorously for the past 2 years.  During these past 2 years, I have often thought about what the last 5 days would look like before a collapse.

Because governments will do everything and anything to delay the onset of an economic collapse, as they should, I believe the problem will build to a dramatic point, where the economy will fall off a ledge very quickly.

With the US Federal Government running $1 trillion dollar deficits for the past 3 years, how long can that continue?   As some point in time, no foreign government or domestic entity will want to buy US Federal debt.


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Friday, September 4, 2015

Alzheimer’s Disease Linked To Common Viruses

While everyone has misplaced keys from time to time, this type of forgetfulness is normal.

On the other hand, forgetting your child’s name or how to tie your shoe is a serious neurological problem called “Alzheimer’s disease.”

While it is the most common form of dementia, it also has the most potential for damaging the brain’s neurons.

Changes in the affected person include memory loss, the ability to think clearly, as well as odd behavior.

In previous years, Alzheimer’s was considered a chronic disease that resulted from cause and effect that included lifestyle factors.

However, new research has proven an association with infectious disease.

In fact, studies are showing up to 95 percent of the American population has been infected by a disease that could eventually result in Alzheimer’s.


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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Food Sovereignty And Farmers Of Color: An Interview With Natasha Bowens

In The Color of Food: Stories of Race, Resilience and Farming, farmer and community activist Natasha Bowens explores the intersections between food and race as she tells the story of Black, Latino, Asian, and Indigenous farmers and food activists through storytelling, photography, and oral history.

As the organic and local food movement has taken shape in the United States over the last two decades, ongoing issues faced by farmers of color in the United States have not gained similar visibility.

 Bowens brings farmers’ stories and portraits to the forefront and celebrates culture, tradition, and community, while also addressing the  food sovereignty movement.

The Color of Food was recently featured in Food Tank’s Spring Reading List. Food Tank had the opportunity to speak with Natasha about her new book.

Food Tank (FT): Can you talk about why you decided to talk to farmers of color in the U.S.? Why was it important to you to explore their stories?


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