Tuesday, July 15, 2014

5 Fabulous Foods to Fight Inflammation

Anchovies Are Oily Fish. (Wikipedia.org)

Inflammation in the body is a normal process, as the white cells and chemicals need to do their job of protecting your system from invading viruses and bacteria. But it has become more common for the immune system to make a mistake and trigger a response when there is no threat, leading to excess inflammation, and is linked to various diseases such as allergies, auto immune diseases, cancer, asthma, heart disease any many others. It can be a painful process as well. Here are some foods that can help the body to heal itself, and have powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
Tumeric is Best Taken With Black Pepper. (HealthyLifeChoice.com)
Tumeric is Best Taken With Black Pepper. (HealthyLifeChoice.com)
1.Tumeric This spice gives curry its beautiful yellow color and has been used in India for thousands of years for its flavour and medicinal properties. The main active ingredient in tumeric is curcumin, which has very strong anti-inflammatory effects, and is a powerful antioxidant. It is used to treat many health conditions, easing the pain of conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Tumeric is absorbed into the system best if taken with black pepper, which contains piperine to enhance absorption of curcumin.
Mother Nature's own vitamin-rich, hydrating superfood—coconut water. (Katarzyna Zwolska/photos.com)
Mother Nature’s own vitamin-rich, hydrating superfood—coconut water. (Photos.com)
2. Coconut Oil This wonder oil contains medium-chain fatty acids that are readily absorbed into the system, where the liver immediately converts them into energy, instead of being stored as fat. Great news! You can add it to your hot drinks as a sweetener, and cooking with coconut oil is far more beneficial than most other oils, as it is not damaged by high temperatures. Due to its high lauric acid content, it can stop a multitude of pathogenic organisms in their tracks. Not only is it anti-inflammatory, it gives the metabolism a boost – great for weight loss. And it tastes delicious.
Anchovies Are Oily Fish. (Wikipedia.org)
Anchovies Are Oily Fish. (Wikipedia.org)
3.Oily Fish The American Heart Association recommends that we eat omega-3 rich fish at least twice a week, as this will slow arterial plaque growth rate and decrease the risk of sudden heart attack. Eating fish such as sardines, tuna, salmon, trout and herrings has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Oily fish is also a good source of lean protein. Excess mental stress affects the heart, and eating fatty fish has been found to offset this effect.
Sour Cherries Melt Away Pain. (DrinkGreen4Life.com)
Sour Cherries Melt Away Pain. (DrinkGreen4Life.com)
4.Tart Cherries Tart cherries differ from sweet cherries, as their taste is sour, due to the phytochemicals that are anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Tart cherries offer relief from arthritis and gout, protect the heart, inhibit cancer pathways and help you get a great sleep. They are as potent as non-steroid anti-inflams without the toxic side effects. Tart cherries have been found to improve an athletes performance and reduce dependence on non-steroid anti-inflammatory medications. Eating one cup or tart cherries daily, or drinking a cup of the concentrate will be beneficial.
Garlic is a Wonder Food. (PicSearch.com)
Garlic is a Wonder Food. (PicSearch.com)
5.Garlic Garlic, one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world, has been used in traditional medicines to prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease. The sulphur compounds in garlic exert anti-inflammatory effects on the body. You can increase the benefits of garlic by just letting it sit after you have crushed or chopped it. Just expose it to heat it for a short time, as lengthy heating can destroy the sulphur compounds.

Christine Ford is a qualified Naturopath and Acupuncturist with more than 30 years clinical experience.

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