Thursday, July 17, 2014

Transformers: Age of Extinction Review (NO SPOILERS)


Finally.  After months of being teased with that trailer of Optimus Prime riding on the back of a Tyrannosaurus Rex Transformer, the fourth installment of the Transformer series has been released.  Now, the interweb has been flooded with reviews since the premiere.
Most have negative things to say about the Cybertronian flick (even though it earned a strong 100 million dollars opening weekend).
I personally have both positive and negative things to say about this film because it does deserve some screen credit.

Here’s a look at that teaser trailer!

First, lets start with the positive.

The story line.  Interesting and attention grabbing.

One of the best things about this film is that it has a lot of storyline that is perfectly covered throughout the full length of the movie. Transformers: Age of Extinction does tie into the previous movies but also has its own storyline where the ending does promise more Transformer films in the future.  The storyline is fun, exciting, and captures audience attention right from the start.  Plus who doesn’t want  to see  Optimus Prime woop everyone for 2 and a half hours? Awesome.  
#I LoveOptimusPrime 

Computer Animation

Good Lord.  Talk about not being disappointed.  If you go to this movie with the expectation that the CGI (computer graphics) are going to blow your mind, you will be extremely pleased with this movie.  Explosions, Robot Dinosaurs, crumbling buildings, and transforming…Transformers, you really get the whole nine yards.  You can really tell that the CGI guys working for Michael Bay (Director) took their time on every frame.




Pretty ladies and sexy cars…or maybe the other way around 

If the Transformer series has gotten anything right, its that awesome cars and a smoking hot female lead will draw a crowd.  Take a look below at some of the hottest eye candy from the movies.

Now even after all that there were still things I had a problem with.  


The negative: The length of the movie

For the love of God it was long movie.  With a running time of 2 hours and 37mins plus the opening previews and the ending credits, you could easily be sitting in that theater for about three plus hours.  After I left the theater I looked at my watch and felt like I time traveled. This movie even tho I said has a good story line does have some long scenes of just dialogue and plot build. I would describe it as a song that has a false fade-out ending.  The song fades out and then all of a sudden, keeps going.  

#IsItOverYet? #TimeTravel


Nothing really different from the first three movies

If you are familiar with the first three in the series, you kinda know what I’m talking about here.  You have the strong male lead who gets stuff done and carries the movie, the Transformers in there awesome kick ass splendor, and the super hot chick that complains, screams, and gets in the way of the story line. However, shes so nice to look at you hardly seem to notice – I’m not really complaining. Like I originally commented, the storyline is good but repetitive. These movies seem to follow a template that I would really like to see change in the future.

The overall verdict:

As an avid moviegoer and self proclaimed super nerd/movie expert I would give this movie a whopping 8 out of 10.  Although the movie was long, it definitely was exciting enough to retain audience attention throughout the whole movie – the CG effects definitely played a key role here.  That being said I didn’t like how it kept to the same template to the past movies and would have liked to see something really break the mold.  However, what really kept this movie from being a 10 out of 10 was the length of the movie which made it almost tiring to watch.   I would suggest this movie to anyone who likes loud action packed blockbusters and fans of the first three movies.  Also, it is a standalone film, so even if you haven’t seen the original 3 movies, you can jump right in and understand what’s happening fairly quickly.
All in all this is a great summer blockbuster that anyone and everyone can enjoy.

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