Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Yellowstone Update: Roads Turning To Soup, Gravel Turning To Oatmeal

Yellowstone eruption 2014 (WN.com)

Most people understand that Yellowstone is sitting on top of a super volcano. The shifting earth and hot spots are nothing new. But the scientist now say that although this is nothing new, they have never seen it so severe.

Photo Courtesy Steve Quayle
Literally turning asphalt to soup. This is something to keep an eye on, but don’t panic and don’t change your vacation plans, you may get to see something few people have ever seen before.
I am including four videos to help you understand just what Yellowstone is and what scientists have been watching for Decades.
In the first video, Daboo0077 weighs in on the current situation in Yellowstone today. The second video is a documentary on Yellowstone, it’s history, and what to expect from Yellowstone in the future. Very educational. 

The second video is from RT, describing the current situation in the park today. With more roads melting and gravel turning to oatmeal. 

The third video is a documentary on Yellowstones history and what we can expect in the future from this supervolcano. 
The fourth video is How to survive a Yellowstone eruption. For preppers living in the Yellowstone area, this is a must see. Get the latest changes in Yellowstone condition as they happen. 
The access road to the Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone National Park is being closed by park rangers because a supervolcano beneath the park is literally melting the roadway. Officials are prohibiting visitors from driving or stepping onto the asphalt, as what looks a solid surface can collapse and leave the unsuspecting guests stranded in a pool of hot water. RT’s Manila Chan takes a look at the frightening scene in Yellowstone.Yellowstone National Park lies on top of a magma chamber that is 35-miles wide, waiting to erupt.

The Yellowstone Caldera is the volcanic caldera and supervolcano located in Yellowstone National Park in the United States, sometimes referred to as the Yellowstone Supervolcano. The caldera is located in the northwest corner of Wyoming, in which the vast majority of the park is contained. The major features of the caldera measure about 34 by 45 miles (55 by 72 km). 

The caldera formed during the last of three supereruptions over the past 2.1 million years. First came the Huckleberry Ridge eruption 2.1 million years ago, which created the Island Park Caldera and the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff. Next came the Mesa Falls eruption 1.3 million years ago, which created the Henry’s Fork Caldera and the Mesa Falls Tuff. Finally came the Lava Creek eruption 640,000 years ago, which created the Yellowstone Caldera and the Lava Creek Tuff.
Yellowstone Caldera (News.com)
Yellowstone Caldera (News.com)
The last full-scale eruption of the Yellowstone Supervolcano, the Lava Creek eruption which happened nearly 640,000 years ago, ejected approximately 240 cubic miles (1,000 km3) of rock, dust and volcanic ash into the sky.
Geologists are closely monitoring the rise and fall of the Yellowstone Plateau, which measures on average 0.6 inches (1.5 cm) yearly, as an indication of changes in magma chamber pressure.
Caldera under the surface (Squarespace.com)
Caldera under the surface (Squarespace.com)
The upward movement of the Yellowstone caldera floor between 2004 and 2008 — almost 3 inches (7.6 cm) each year — was more than three times greater than ever observed since such measurements began in 1923. From mid-summer 2004 through mid-summer 2008, the land surface within the caldera moved upward as much as 8 inches (20 cm) at the White Lake GPS station. By the end of 2009, the uplift had slowed significantly and appeared to have stopped. In January 2010, the USGS stated that “uplift of the Yellowstone Caldera has slowed significantly” and that uplift continues but at a slower pace.
 The U.S. Geological Survey, University of Utah and National Park Service scientists with the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory maintain that they “see no evidence that another such cataclysmic eruption will occur at Yellowstone in the foreseeable future. Recurrence intervals of these events are neither regular nor predictable.” 
Caldera anatomy (Prepare-and-Protect.net)
Caldera anatomy (Prepare-and-Protect.net)
This conclusion was reiterated in December 2013 in the aftermath of the publication of a study by University of Utah scientists finding that the “size of the magma body beneath Yellowstone is significantly larger than had been thought.” The Yellowstone Volcano Observatory issued a statement on its website stating,
” Although fascinating, the new findings do not imply increased geologic hazards at Yellowstone, and certainly do not increase the chances of a ‘supereruption’ in the near future. Contrary to some media reports, Yellowstone is not ‘overdue’ for a supereruption. “
Other media reports were more hyperbolic in their coverage.
A study published in GSA Today identified three fault zones that future eruptions are most likely to be centered on. Two of those areas are associated with lava flows aged 174,000–70,000 years, and the third area is a focus of present-day seismicity.
In this video Tom Lupshu talks about upcoming talks and videos about Yellowstone Supervolcano and the possible scenarios that could take place before and after an Eruption. This one event will change the world as we know it forever. Let’s hope it never happens in our life time. But if it does, I plan to Survive, How about you?

Yellowstone potential disaster range (Standeyo.com)
Yellowstone potential disaster range (Standeyo.com)

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Eruption range (Theness.com)
Eruption range (Theness.com)

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