Monday, July 14, 2014

Dolla Dolla Bill Ya’ll. College Money!

University of Utah student Luke Mughal holds a briefcase full of one-dollar bills as he waits in a long line to pay his tuition at the Student Services Building on the University of Utah campus in Salt Lake City, Utah Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2014. Mughal is paying his tuition in one-dollar bills to protest the high cost of tuition. (AP Photo/The Salt Lake Tribune, Steve Griffin)

Dolla Dolla Bill Ya’ll.

Luke Mughal looking’ mighty Wu-Tang at the University of Utah. He decided to pay for his university tuition not by check, not by credit card, but with a case full of dollar bills. Yes, one-dollar bills.

It’s ludicrous, but then so is his tuition rate—to Luke at least—which is why he has made it his job to slow down the greedy hands that want to push him into debt, even he only slows them down by less than an hour.


He sees a problem with tuition rates, which compared to other states such as California, New York, or even Colorado, are considerably low. He decided to rebel with the intent to inspire more students to join in the protest next year.

I love it when people take a stand, but I gotta call out a mama’s boy. He is protesting an already discounted tuition, which is cool because tuition is out of control, but Luke is the child of a faculty member at his university, and received scholarship aid. This gesture is still valid because his university is increasing tuition by five percent this year up to $6,500—you know I’m just playin’ Luke. I gotta tell both sides, son.

Dolla Dolla Bill Ya’ll.

However, it’s pretty clear to me that Mughal is out there protesting on his own accord when 32,000 other students who most likely pay more than him aren’t. According to usnews, tuition at top institutions around the nation reach upwards of $35,000 a year, how come none of those kids are carrying briefcases with 35,000 one dollar bills—come to think of it, they might get jacked, probably just scared. They could at least use a makeup case full of ones like Luke did, then pay the rest with a check.

I’m trying to get rich and skip university myself, mainly because I’ve already got an audience and don’t want to go into debt. But if I were to host this type of protest, it would be in a less self-insurgent manner.

Personally, I’d go upon this in a two step plan. First, I would start by finding friends who aren’t as fortunate as me and can’t afford to pay for tuition. Then, I would suggest for them to earn the money and cash out in the form of one dollar bills until the entire regional bank system was temporarily ran out of them. This would result in a dollar bill shortage in the county and when individuals would ask why, they will know the answer when they read the newspaper. It’s not enough for people to just hear about the movement, they have to feel it for themselves.

Diane Bukowski (

But banksters are as ruthless as gangsters, and I don’t have time for either of them, which is why I’m glad Luke is out their making their fingers sweat just a little, and maybe next year, he and his flock can shut down the banks, and I can get a good laugh.


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