Friday, July 11, 2014

Your Worst Nightmare in Bug Form - My Top 6

Your worst nightmare in bug form. (Ramon Qiu)

1. House Centipede

I was getting out of the shower when I almost stepped on this guy. I’m not usually afraid of spiders and whatnot, but I’ve never seen this guy before. He’s about 2 inches long with 15 pairs of very long legs. Actually these guys aren’t that bad at all and actually help to get rid of other bugs. If any of you want him, please come get him – he’s all yours.

2. Japanese Giant Hornet

Japanese giant hornet. (
Japanese giant hornet. (

This guy is about the size of your thumb. How this guy (gal) had the balls (ovaries) to take this photo is beyond me. This little guy sprays flesh-melting acid from it’s stinger which also contains a pheromone that attracts its friends to come join it in destroying you.

3. Bullet Ant

When this little guy is alone, he doesn’t look all that bad, although a 1 inch long ant could give you quite a startle. They are located in south-American rain forests and will jump down onto your head from trees when you get too close to their colonies.
Below is a video of an indigenous ritual where young men get stung by bullet ants.

Here’s a video of some wannabes playing with a single bullet ant.

 4. Assassin Bug

Assassin bug covered in corpses. (
Assassin bug covered in corpses. (
 This guy covers its body with the corpses of other bugs that it has killed. He may not be that big, but imagine what that looks like to a bug. In human form, that’s like Arnold Schwarzenegger walking around wearing a cape of dead midgets.

5. Golden Silk Orb-Weaver Spider that eats Snakes and Birds

This is something I haven’t seen before and it terrifies me. I am glad I don’t live in Australia.

6. BotFlys

Please remind me never to watch Animal Planet ever again. These guys live inside of human flesh. For the unlucky guy in the video, they were in the back of his head, causing him headaches and almost driving him insane. Although, it seems like he has a handle on life now that the flies are removed. Usually, these guys are found in South America, which is only slightly reassuring.

This KMart commercial came to mind immediately after I finished this post.

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