Monday, August 11, 2014

Katy Perry Calls Out Kim Kardashian’s Giant Butt In Rolling Stone, Says She Wants To Join The Illuminati

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Katy Perry Calls Out Kim Kardashian’s Giant Butt In Rolling Stone, Says She Wants To Join The Illuminati

Katy Perry dyes her green hair like it’s nobody’s bidness for Rolling Stone‘s latest cover:
Highlights from the interview:
On accusations of being racially insensitive while on tour :
“As far as the mummy thing, I based it on plastic surgery. Look at someone like Kim Kardashian or Ice-T’s wife, Coco. Those girls aren’t African-American. But it’s actually a representation of our culture wanting to be plastic, and that’s why there’s bandages and it’s mummies. I thought that would really correlate well together… It came from an honest place. If there was any inkling of anything bad, then it wouldn’t be there, because I’m very sensitive to people. I guess I’ll just stick to baseball and hot dogs, and that’s it. I know that’s a quote that’s gonna come to f*ck me in the ass, but can’t you appreciate a culture? I guess, like, everybody has to stay in their lane? I don’t know.”
On not needing a man to make her happy:
“I want to be doing that in the right time. And that’s not in the next two years, you know? Maybe it’s in a five-year plan, but I need to really be able to focus 100 percent of my attention on it. I don’t really want to take the child on tour. Not until, like, birth through five is over. I don’t need a dude. I mean, Neil [Patrick Harris]and David [Burtka] , their twins are beautiful. It’s 2014! We are living in the future; we don’t need anything. I don’t think I’ll have to, but we’ll see. I’m not anti-men. I love men. But there is an option if someone doesn’t present himself.”
On wanting to be apart of the Illuminati:
“Listen, if the Illuminati exist, I would like to be invited! I see all that shit, and I’m like, ‘Come on, let me in! I want to be in the club!’ I have no idea what it is. It sounds crazy. Weird people on the Internet that have nothing to do find, like, strange triangles in your hand motions. I guess you’ve kind of made it when they think you’re in the Illuminati. But listen, I believe in aliens, so if people want to believe in Illuminati, great.”
On not being obsessed with her fans:
“I’m not, like, a crazy ‘I’m gonna die for my fans’ type. Some people are so dramatic about it, and you’re like, ‘Honestly, you’re not the Second Coming. You’re just an entertainer!’… I’m very grateful for fans’ support, but I’m not thirsty or desperate.”

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