Tuesday, August 12, 2014

VIDEO: Ebola, What Is The Truth?

Ebola is a highly contagious disease that is rapidly spreading in West Africa. (photo/mashable.com)

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Health workers take strict precautions when dealing with Ebola victims. Still, some have succumbed to the disease themselves. (photo/sbs.com)
Health workers take strict precautions when dealing with Ebola victims. Still, some have succumbed to the disease themselves.
As of Aug 6, there have been 1,779 confirmed cases of Ebola in the latest outbreak in West Africa, with 961 deaths from the disease.
People are concerned worldwide about containment of the disease, and there is much fear surrounding it.
Authorities are saying Ebola is not airborne among humans, but is this conclusive?
We all want to know the facts.

In a laboratory experiment with Ebola two years ago, six piglets with Ebola were contained next to but separate from four monkeys who did not have the disease. Two of the monkeys very quickly caught Ebola, and it was concluded they became infected through the air from the piglets. So, pigs with Ebola cough and sneeze way more than us humans when we have Ebola.
Is this conclusive? You decide. Let us know what you think by leaving a comment.

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