Friday, July 11, 2014

Illegal Immigrants Flying on US Aircrafts Due to TSA Loophole

TSA officer. (

Illegal immigrants have been able to board US aircrafts with a Notice to Appear (in court) forms. The National Boarder Council Patrol (NBCP) Local 2455 spokesman Hector Garza was quoted saying:
We do not know who these people are, we often have to solely rely on who they say they are, where they say they came from, and the history they say they have. We know nothing about most of them, ICE releases them into the American public, and now they are boarding aircraft at will with a simple paper document that anyone can easily alter or reproduce themselves. explains that these concerns from the NBCP are definite security risks. They basically allow anyone to board a US aircraft as long as they have a simple document that doesn’t even require a photo.
Sample Notice to Appear document. (Justice.Gov)
Sample Notice to Appear document. (Justice.Gov)
Most people can just take this document and print it out on any home or office printer and it will look the same as the original. This is probably one of the easiest documents to forge that I have ever seen. At the moment it seems that the majority of the illegal immigrants using this system to get around have entered through the southern border of the US. However, just because they enter through the southern border doesn’t mean that they are from Mexico or South America.
With the recent activity in the Middle East, it is unsettling to know that we have unidentified individuals in flight.
To pour gasoline over the fire, a recent article on Fox News has identified a couple of TSA slips. A passenger was allowed onto a flight with a knife and another with a loaded gun on-board a 10 hour flight from Phoenix to London. The weapons were not found until the individuals landed in London and their luggage went through London’s security check.
The weapons in question were flip knife board and loaded Glock.
Flip knife. (
Flip knife. (
Glock. (
Glock. (
William Joseph Richardson, the individual carrying the loaded Glock, has a criminal record according to two law enforcement databases.
To summarize, just about anyone can slip into our country given our current level of security and board a US aircraft. On top of that, some of these individuals have been able to bypass security with dangerous weapons.

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