Monday, July 14, 2014

Series: Shudda Seen By Now, Tom Waits does Bukowski Colburn

When people think of Charles Bukowski, they see bleak images of half empty manhattans in a dive bar whose mood is one of misogyny and clinical depression.

Not so Shockingly millennial hipsters eat it up. And yet most of them have not seen this vivid and emotional, animated interpretation of the oddly uplifting poem, “The Laughing Heart,” read by Tom Waits.

Quoting Bukowski on facebook and instagram, privileged funk stamps this literary genius on their digital walls for cyber cred #bukowskirocks. Titles such asNotes of a Dirty Old Man and Pulp, bask on hipster bookshelves in all their esoteric glory. Today Bukowski fans buy their gloriously homogenized depression and anger by the bottle—and the click. In fact ,I believe it is Bukowskiphiles are to blame for the typewriter shortages on thrift store shelves these days.

Another vegetable in this hipster cornucopia is Tom Waits, His droning monotone voice offers little hope outside of the peace that one might obtain from the justified and relatable malcontent blaring from their car radio.

Take this and tie it in a bow with the instrumental song by the band Grizzly Bear, and you have the most underrated, inspiring celebrity collaboration in history. Way better than “We are the World.”
All this has me wondering, Why does this video only have 104,000 hits on YouTube?

“The Laughing Heart” shudda been instant trending gratification for the Internet gods. Such a small amount of popularity to me is absolutely astonishing. But then again, just as Bukowski said, “Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste.”

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