Monday, July 14, 2014

Weird Al Storming the Net with "Tacky" Parody of "Happy"

Weird Al Yanovic Mandatory Fun (

He’s back, and worse than ever. He’s the artist I love to hate: Weird Al Yankovic.
When I was a kid, I thought he was a comic genius, right there with Pee-wee Herman, who I put at the very top. “Eat It” was awesome. I remember him saying something about cellulite, and being so young I thought it was sell-you-light, like the person was so fat they blocked out the sun. I just thought that was awesome. It wasn’t for at least eight or nine years before I knew what cellulite was, and another five or so before I really saw some up close–real close.
 Of course, a few years after I first heard Weird Al, I started to grow hair in funny places and allowed my interests to be more appealing to the other gender. And no video out there will earn you fewer passionate kisses from strangers than Weird Al’s latest “Tacky,” a parody on Will Pharrell’s “Happy.”  Happy is one of the biggest singles of the year, and a video that has earned plenty of kisses those who’ve been inspired to cut loose and just be themselves.
Weird Al Yankovic is about to release his 14th album, Mandatory Fun, and is releasing eight music videos over the next eight days.
Man, I do love me some Weird Al Yankovic. Can’t help it. He’s even better now that I’m balding. I saw him on AMC’s @midnight, and he was sharp. I knew if he was traveling that circuit, he would have something coming out, soon.
You never know what you’re gonna get with Weird Al, but you know you’re gonna get something.

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