Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Shocking Video: Fire Suicide at Utah Regional Burn

Regional Utah burn structure 2014 (Joules Craft)

Already termed as “the greatest tragedy” of the burning man community, a man purposefully threw himself into the flames of a ceremonial burning structure while thousands of witnesses watched.  Volunteer rangers instantly rushed the scene of the shock unfolding at the festival.

The Utah Burner community has released a statement regarding the tragedy during their regional burn event Element 11:

“We acknowledge there was indeed a fatality last night at Element 11. This is a deeply upsetting event with tragic results. Our hearts go out to the Utah community and to the attendees of Element 11. This is a tragic event, and we struggle to respond to it. We ask for your patience while we find the appropriate resources, but please know that we are committed to supporting those affected by this event in the best way we can.”


Shocking trauma inducing images reverberate through the minds of the witnesses as detailed explicitly on the Burners website.  

“When I saw him he was dancing towards the fire. He even stopped to dance backwards for a moment. Continuing his dance he bolted forward again and did a front flip… Right into the base of the fire,” described Burner Zoe.

 full video of the man John Christopher Wallace, resident of Salt Lake City, has been captured by an onlooker stunning the crowd into screams and then silence as volunteer patrol rangers sprint forward into action when the man crossed the safety perimeter, and narrowly miss saving him by mere moments.  Sources say he had announced his plan to jump into the fire earlier that day.

This yearly gathering event called Element 11 in Utah, is a regional burn offshoot alternative to the Burning Man gathering in Nevada.  A creatively inspired community of camps awarded art grants traditionally burns immense, intricate, and ornately intense incredible structures that produce flames that lick the sky higher than 10 stories tall, under the full moon.  

Max dances under the full moon during his escape from society. (Where the Wild Things Are/Maurice Sendak)

This years theme called “Into the Wild” involved an effigy based on a character of the story “Where the Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak.  One can only imagine and speculate what thoughts ran through his head before he ran into the the center piece spectacle.  

The theme of the structure “Into the Wild”, although not affiliated with the movie of the same name, happened to be a story of a man who determined to escape community and society into a solitude that caused his eventual demise.  The theme behind “Where The Wild Things Are” also conjures up a parallel of a story where a boy leaves reality as we know it to a world of wild creatures that too disappear metaphorically tied to the plight of endangered species.  

Even in the book, “the wild things represent his anger and frustration. Max is crowned their king, rides on top of one of them, and eventually leaves them behind despite their pleas for him to stay.”  

In memorial to Chris Wallace, a heart of stones was placed in the last spot where he stood. (

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