Thursday, August 7, 2014

Gay Men Will Marry Your Girlfriends – Sigh! the Times We are In

Gay Men Will Marry Your Girlfriends – Sigh! the Times We are In

Mixed races, mixed gender. (Photo

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American’s are becoming more comfortable with the idea of gay marriage.
Hey girls, do you really crave empathy from men all that much, can’t you get enough from your girlfriends.

Sure a him having a successful career in some woosey kind of employment is reassuring is this day and age.
But what will you do when it hits the fan and you need a strong capable corageous shoulder to lean on.
What’s that you say, you’re tough enough to take on that role and look after the sweetie (him) you married.
You know like in the video those hims with the really well developed feminine skills.
In times gone by before the role reversal and females getting full of  yang energy I wonder what it was like to be a sweet, soft, beautiful nurturing homemaker.
What was it like for strong, clear, wise, reliable and morally upright masculine men before they got full of yin energy.
How do they get that way anyhow? You know like in the video the hims with the really well developed feminine skills.
Only solid study of truthful history can show us what has been lost.
Sure there was lots wrong with society in days past with cycles of destruction preceeding new creation and expansion of Nations or Clans but I rather think it was to do with
forces beyond the control of man.
While all this plays out the world seems to be heading for a phase of destruction and being smug about yourself and your tiny world won’t change a thing.
But upright moral force just might , so what say you take the focus off being gay and pushing that barrow, step back and deal with the reality of events unfolding worldwide.
Where is your moral fortitude now, that powerful masculine trait that can face these huge issues, do you still have a glimmer of it left.
Or are you stuck in a routine of fulfilling your desires every day, living just for yourself.
Mind you that last condition does not just apply to gay men, we are all totally in it.
It’s time to pay attention.

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