Wednesday, August 6, 2014

VIDEO: Impressive Game of Thrones Impressions by Steve Love

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Steve Love does an awesome job at Game of Thrones character impressions (especially the ones with a deeper voice). His impressions from Season 4 include:
Jon Snow
Jon Snow (
Jon Snow (
Samuel Tarly
Samuel Tarly (
Samuel Tarly (
Styr the Magnar
Styr the Magnar (
Styr the Magnar (
and Oberyn Martell to name a few.
Oberyn Martell (
Oberyn Martell (
What is especially impressive is that he is occasionally able to get a few voices spot on that are not within the range of “rough voices” such as Lord Varys. His commentary as the characters is also pretty hilarious. Take a look at some memorable moments below:

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