Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Torture And Death At The Hands Of The CCP

Plastic bags are used as a means of torture on Falun Gong practitioners in forced labor camps.Re-enactment(photo/

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Mr. Jiang Binzhi  he suffered torture and died at the hands of the CCP. (photo/
Mr. Jiang Binzhi he suffered torture and died at the hands of the CCP.
For the past fifteen years Falun Gong (or Falun Dafa), a peaceful meditation and self-cultivation practice, has been banned by the CCP in China, and adherents are rounded up and thrown into labor camps, many never seen again, some tortured to death, others tagged and killed for their organs in an illegal and lucrative market run by the CCP.
Here is a report of one man’s experience of the torture he suffered at the hands of the CCP.
Mr. Jiang Bingzhi was detained on Sept22, 2008 by policeman Zuo Shaoqiu from Shiquan Police Station and illegally sentenced to two years in Suihua City Forced Labor Camp 39 days later for refusing to give up his belief in Falun Gong.
The guards there incited an inmate Sun Zhihai and others to beat up practitioners, and Mr. Bingzhi was brutally beaten every day. His health gradually deteriorated. He could no longer feel his hands or feet, was dizzy and had loss of vision. His symptoms became very severe, so he was sent to hospital for treatment.
He was then returned to the cell, where the beatings and torture, including shock with electric batons and sleep deprivation escalated. He became incontinent and unable to even keep water down.
Guards then threw two plastic bags into the cell, and the inmates tied them over his head and continued to beat him until he became unconscious.
They then sent him to Beian hospital for emergency care, he was released to the care of his family on August 22, 2009 in a coma, and died four days later from injuries sustained in prison.He was 59 years of age.
This incident happened six years ago, it is just one of hundreds of reports coming out. I will detail other cases soon.

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