Thursday, August 7, 2014

VIDEO: People Are Beating Cancer Without the Medical Industry

VIDEO: People Are Beating Cancer Without the Medical Industry

Where is the road to the cure? Are we headed the right way? (FreedomBunker)

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Plenty of people have picked up a gun and walked into a bank for the shot at a few hundred thousand dollars. Plenty of others have leveled a shotgun at a liquor store clerk’s head for a few hundred. So what would people do to get their hands on a trillion dollars a year? 

Keep cancer alive and well.


There have been several documentaries on beating Cancer with natural methods and lifestyle changes that cost very little. One of the latest is by Dr. Leon Coldwell, and the reason there is so much attention behind this information is that Coldwell has been stopped by the Federal Government in his great strides in curing cancer.

Here is a quote from the good Dr. Leon Coldwell:

I am sure I could cure them within weeks or a few months. But since the law and the ones that make money on your suffering and even death, don’t allow me to treat you the way I know would produce results, I legally cannot even tell you what to do or not to do. 

His story sounds radical and it seems impossible that government people would try to shut him up. But there is a trillion dollars a year on the line, so check out this video and see what you think.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food—Hippocrates, circa 400 B.C.

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