Monday, August 11, 2014

Supermoon Tonight 8/10/14: Step Outside and Look Up

This is a previous supermoon in a dessert at sunset. It was too cloudy during our
sunset in Denver. (
Supermoon! I love these kind of nights. I’m in Denver and the sunset was gorgeous purple. The sky was overcast all day, but it often gets extra clear after a rain once the clouds move. I’ve got my fingers crossed.

We’re spoiled. We just had a supermoon on July 12. I went out to the Waldo Canyon burn scar to celebrate it. It was like being in a black and white movie all night. The color spectrum was limited, but the brightness allowed us to see details hundreds of yards away.

The supermoon is when our night orb is closest in its orbit to Earth, known to the less sensational world as a perigee full moon—but supermoon gets my adrenaline going so I stay up for it. This moon should have more brilliance than July’s.


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