Monday, August 11, 2014

VIDEO: Dead Dogs Down Under

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The next time you take Fido to the country with the family to enjoy a picnic, be aware if he goes for a doggie wander and doesn’t return, he may end up skinned and pegged out on a fence like these wild dogs. I took this happy snap on a camping trip in the Snowy Mountains of Australia, where I saw more similar sites.
Now landowners Down Under have been warned if they don’t participate in an eradication program for wild dogs they stand to be slapped with a heavy fine.
The Australian government has committed $10 million towards a wild dog eradication scheme, and they say everyone must co-operate for it to be successful.
Farmers in the north say the problem is getting worse, with estimates as high as $67 million for damage the wild dogs have inflicted on the grazing industry.

So why has this problem reached plague proportions? Do we have that many irresponsible dog owners who just tire of their pooch and dump him on a country road? Eventually he gives up looking for his owner, and tired and frightened, joins the local pack of marauding canines, ending up strung up like a discarded coat on a fence.

Wild dogs have become a big problem in Aus.(       Visit us at

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