Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The ADHD Plague: How to Push Back Without Drugs

Pills are rarely the answer and ADHD is no exception. (TheChart.blogs,CNN.com)

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ADD and ADHD, essentially scatterbrainedness and an inability to sit still is a hot topic among twenty somethings who grew up with the diagnosis and subsequent treatments.

People who grew up ADHD positive,  have a diagnosis, people reminding them about it all the time, and perhaps they have some genuine symptoms. The whole process of dealing with any mental health issues in the United States is laughable and sad.

The National Institute of Mental Health states, “scientists are not sure what causes ADHD, although many studies suggest that genes play a large role.” They also acknowledge that environmental factors “might contribute” to ADHD—but neglect to warn the public about the dangers of pesticides, wireless technology and nutrient-deprived processed foods chock full of chemicals and simple sugars.

American children are legally poisoned. Genetically modified food, BPA plastic, diseased meat full of antibiotics, and processed garbage abound on supermarket shelves. WiFi systems and cellphones all use microwave technology which are literally frying our cells to death. Powerful WiFi networks in schools are especially damaging, and can impact brain functionality.

These symptoms are lumped together and given a name. The problem is that the causes are not lumped together and given a name, because to do so would cause a bunch of money to get upset. (guardianlv.com)
These symptoms are lumped together and given a name. The problem is that the causes are not lumped together and given a name, because to do so would cause a bunch of money to get upset. (guardianlv.com)

Some say ADHD is a ‘manufactured’ condition by the psychiatric medical community According to the American Psychiatric Association, ADHD is defined as “developmentally inappropriate attention and/or hyperactivity and impulsivity so pervasive and persistent as to significantly interfere with a child’s daily life.”

Natural Health 365 recently reported on Before It’s News that Conventionally-trained mental health experts are encouraged to diagnose ADHD when they notice these symptoms:
1. Inattentive, impulsive, or hyperactive behavior – which is not “age-appropriate.”
2. A given behavior which leads to “chronic problems in daily functioning.”
3. If the “inappropriate” behavior is consistent in several different environments, like at school and home, then it may be a sign of ADHD.

After a child gets stamped ADHD, the medical industrial complex throws stimulants such as, methylphenidate and amphetamines at it. These types of drugs  cause a loss of appetite, sleep disorders, anxiety and irritability. Now get this: they admit that drugs are NOT a cure for ADHD, so the uncured person now has this slew of side effects to cope with, too.

How can we safely alleviate the symptoms of ADHD? Erratic behaviors and social difficulties are effects from nutritional deficiencies and cellular toxicity, e.g., low blood sugar can cause depression, anger and a variety of mental difficulties like poor concentration. For emotional well-being, it’s best to avoid simple sugars and eat lots of organic fruits and vegetables. And brains benefit from healthy fats like coconut oil and avocados. Get a boost with high-quality protein like, Hawaiian spirulina.
Other ways to curb ADHD symptoms is to find ways to reduce stressful situations, improve sleep habits, and develop more enjoyable activities that capture the interest and imagination of the child.

Basically, if you want to push back on ADHD, get clean water, good food, try to limit WiFi and cellular radiation, and inject some respect and quality time into the life of the one suffering.

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