Wednesday, August 27, 2014

VIDEO: Robin Williams Died While Masturbating

VIDEO: Robin Williams Died While Masturbating
Plastic bags, sheets, collars, ropes, hands, anything that can choke has been used for AEA. Robin Williams used a belt. (
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This video provides a detailed case for this scenario. Robin Williams was found in his bedroom with a belt around his neck that was wedged between the door. This is classic AutoErotic Asphyxiation (AEA). Masturbation screw ups claim 1,000 lives every year.

Experienced autoerotic asphyxiators often use fail-safes, but fail-safes can fail. For instance, a person hangs by their neck at a low height so that when the moment of death approaches and sexual climax achieved, they drop their feet. But if a person gets too disoriented or weak, they simply hang until dead.

What is so intriguing about all of this is that we are willing to live this lie as a society. So what if he liked jerking off while stopping his breathing. People would rather talk about suicide than masturbation, especially with their kids, and Robin Williams was a family friendly actor.


It would be almost as bad as when Pee-wee Herman got caught jerking off in a porno theater. Not only was his career ruined, but his entertainment empire crumbled.

How much do you think the Robin Williams legacy is worth? Can’t sully the image of Aladdin for crying out loud.

Robin recently had open heart surgery which made him vulnerable to an accident like this. That should be the real “lesson” here. Don’t choke yourself after certain surgeries. I bet his doctor didn’t ask him not to choke himself during sex for at least six months while his heart healed.

Taboos are dangerous and forbidden, that’s their appeal.

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