Friday, August 1, 2014

Speaker of the House Sues The President

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A resolution was approved in the Republican-led house that gave House Speaker John Boehner authorization to sue President Barack Obama. CNNreports that Republicans won the vote 225-201 over the lawfulness of Obama’s executive orders. Republicans argue that there are a number of areas where President Obama has stepped over a line when it comes to issuing orders that should have been handled by Congress. They are basing their case off of Obama’s handling of the Affordable Care act. 

The WSJ explains that Obama made a decision last year that gave businesses an extra year before they will be fined for not providing healthcare to employees. Boehner claims that the right to made such a decision was in the hands of Congress and not the President. 
The popularity of this decision to sue the President can be seen through thisCNN Poll.

Poll (
Poll (

 There are many questions that have arisen as a result of this lawsuit including: Can anyone even sue the President? How much will this cost the U.S.? Will there be a trial? Mashable believes that that these are all possibilities, but wasn’t able to find a price tag regarding the issue. The President can be sued, and there could be a trial (although unlikely), but no one will know the real cost.
Of course, the real cost won’t come in the form of a dollar amount. The real cost is in the fact that the leaders of the U.S. are fighting over issues that have already come to pass and not utilizing their efforts to address other issues that are affecting the U.S. and world. 
But if you really did want a dollar amount, consider these figures - if we assume that each member of the House of Representatives makes roughly$175,000 working 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, that implies that they make $90/hr. Given that they spent at least 1 day debating this issue (honestly it is probably more like days), that would have already incurred a net cost of $313,000. 

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