Friday, August 29, 2014

Hell's Gates Open

Hell’s Gates Open
Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Xia was persecuted to near death by Huhehaote City Women's Prison (photo/
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Many methods of torture are used, with force-feeding and electric batons among them.(photo/
Many methods of torture are used, with force-feeding and electric batons among them.(photo/

Gao Rongrong, a Falun Gong practitioner from Liaoning province, was reported tortured to death in custody in 2005.(photo/
Gao Rongrong, a Falun Gong practitioner from Liaoning province, was reported tortured to death in custody in 2005.(photo/
China’s forced labor camps, brain-washing centers and prisons are awash with female prison guards who wildly and perversely inflict torture on prisoners of conscience, namely Falun Gong practitioners.

These guards also incite other inmates to join in the torture, resulting in thousands of innocent people becoming maimed both physically and mentally, with many dying from their injuries.

Here are just a few, Chinese people are overcoming their fear and becoming more courageous as they name these perpetrators.

“If they want to, they can send you to a hospital, remove your organs, then cremate your body, just like they did in Sujiatun. What can you do about it?”
screamed prison guard Jiang Lili at group of Falun Gong practioners in the Shayang Forced Labor Camp.

One elderly lady called out “Falun Dafa is good”, and immediately Jiang Lili and another guard by the name of Peng Gang grabbed her and shocked her with electric batons. Jiang pulled her hair and punched her with such force she dislocated her jaw.

On another occasion in 2010 Jiang screamed out “I’m not afraid of going to hell or receiving retribution!” as she brutally beat up another practitioner Ms. Wang Xiaoming.

She grabbed Ms. Wang’s hair and yanked as hard as she could, at the same time prison guard Deng Qun forcefully beat her up, then jammed a metal stool on her swollen toe and jumped up and down on it.

“You dare talk to us about the law!” she yelled at one group. “Don’t you know that the police, the Procuratorate and the judges belong to the same family?”
“After murdering you Falun Gong practitioners, it (CCP) will claim that you had committed suicide; then it will deliver your ashes to your family in a small box!”
One of the torture instruments used in Chin'a forced labor camps and prisons.(photo/
One of the torture instruments used in Chin’a forced labor camps and prisons.(photo/

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